Short link Mf جميع حسابات التواصل من نحن اتفاقية المستخدم سياسة الخصوصية

جاري الحصول على الرابط

Welcome to mogard fakra website


Hello (Welcome to mogard fakra website)

The mogardfakra blog is a technology that is concerned with explaining applications, the Internet, computers, and Android. We are also interested in spreading awareness and protection

All we care about is publishing everything new in the world of technology, and there are episodes on YouTube that we always publish

A blog is just a technical idea that is concerned with explaining applications, the Internet, computers, and Android. We also care about spreading awareness and protection

All we care about is publishing everything new in the world of technology, and there are episodes on YouTube that I always publish

A blog is just an idea that is not responsible for any error that occurs when trying one of the explanations or following, and by continuing, you agree to the terms

Displaying the rights of the programs that you display or say in the explanation are reserved for their owner, and we are not responsible for them. The blog does an explanation and awareness for use only

I hope you will read this letter carefully

In the beginning, I wanted to present this blog to publish some of my interests, solve some of the problems that you face in your phone, computer, or application, and explain all new applications for your appointments.

So I am correct

In the end, I want you to know, my visiting brother, that all of these interests in the blog are personal diligence only (I may have made a mistake in explaining or something 🙏)

   So don't take a bad idea of me just because of something

You can send the name of the application to the one you need and we will download an explanation or the problem that you meet

    Important note) Make sure to download the download file from Mediafire, some people download an application from ads and install it)

     To make sure you download the correct app, check the name of the app when downloading

(Do not use to distract you from your prayers, play, watch your free time only, do not use applications in what angers God)

(Don't let games distract you from your prayers and remembrance of God. Play and enjoy watching in your spare time only. Do not use apps for what angers God)

Blog terms

Mogard fakra blog is not responsible for any error that may occur when trying one of the explanations or following the links, and by continuing, you agree to the terms

And all the rights of the programs that we display or use in the explanation are reserved to their owner, and we are not responsible for them. The blog does an explanation and awareness for use only.

You can review the usage agreement here

I hope that this blog will continue to be beneficial to all the Arab world, including the content it contains, "albeit somewhat little", useful and useful, and that it will be a mercy for me on the day of my departure. Thank you.

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